08/19/2023 Committee Reports
TNCC (Karin Buchanan) -Last TNCC instructor course held April 24 in Peoria. All instructor candidates from this course were verified. There will be no instructor courses scheduled until 2024 because the 9th edition is rolling out this Fall.
SANE SIG (Mindi Robles) - The IL ENA SANE Sig did not meet this last quarter. Our next meeting will be November 17 th from 2:30pm-3:45pm virtual. Karen Senger from IDPH will be the guest speaker to answer Q&A regarding the SASETA law changes and how it affects SANE Programs, QMPs, and Hospitals.
Membership (Vicki Bacidore and Karla Christiansen) - The state council member reports on the ENA website are still not functional/accessible. Kari Zick emailed Vicki that we currently have 1550 members but could not tease out the current month’s new member/expired member count. She said the reports should be accessible soon, but couldn’t tell me when. The membership committee has not met over the summer, but we plan to meet after the national conference.
ENPC (Harriet Hawkins) – There will be an ENPC instructor course at CDH on 10/26/2023. Email Harriet if interested.